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Thanksgiving and Updates - 11/28
1 minute read

Hi everyone, happy Thanksgiving! Well, I'm a few minutes late... But, I do have a few things to announce:

🌸 MC 1.21.3

LumaMC has updated to the latest version of Minecraft! A few new things have been added in this version including bundles

🗺️Resource Worlds Reset

Resource worlds have been reset again! Enjoy fresh new supplies for December.

👏Weekly Reddit #21

Weekly Reddit time! Go show us support on our Reddit posts :))

- r/mcservers

- r/MCVanillaServers

- r/MinecraftServer

📌Utility command: /itemlock

For those ranked Arcane and above, /itemlock is now available and you may use it to lock your items to your inventory and containers to prevent them from being dropped.

🧆 Thanksgiving Event

A small Thanksgiving event for the next 12 days!

- Get started with /warp thanksgiving

- Earn virtual tokens by mining blocks in mines

- Upgrade your access to different mines with /event mineupgrade

- Tokens are virtual for this event! Check your balance with /event viewtokens

With this addition of event, our Thanksgiving Crate has also released. If you'd like to support Luma by purchasing keys, you can do so on our store. Additionally, our entire store is 25% off for the next week with coupon THANKSGIVING! As always, everything within crates is obtainable through normal in-game means unless fully cosmetic.

Again, happy Thanksgiving and have a great day or evening. ❤️

Valentide Event - 2/14
Valentide Event - 2/14
Hi everyone, J here. We've been working behind the scenes for a while and are excited to unveil our 2025 Valentine's event! 🎲Valentide Minigames Valentide minigames automatically happen every 2 hours. After joining a team, you'll be able to...
2 minute read
Celebrating 1 Year - 1/10
Celebrating 1 Year - 1/10
Hi everybody! Luma was launched on the 10th of January 2024 which means... Today is Luma's first birthday! 🌸  1 Year of Luma We're celebrating a year of Luma and almost 3,000 unique player joins (#2951)! Use /birthday in-game to earn some neat...
1 minute read
Winter Event - 12/31
Winter Event - 12/31
Hey everyone, Kat here!  We’ve been working on something special behind the scenes for the past few weeks, and we’re absolutely thrilled to finally share it with you! ❄️ The Winter Event has officially launched! Here’s How to Get Started! Earn...
1 minute read